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Make sure you registered the player manager in your main.ts file. See here for more information.

<script setup lang="ts">
// Import the 'usePlayer' function
import { usePlayer } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

// Use a template ref to reference the target element
const player = ref();

// Call the 'usePlayer' function with the desired video ID and target ref
usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

  <div ref="player" />
<script setup lang="ts">
// Import the 'usePlayer' function
import { usePlayer } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

// Use a template ref to reference the target element
const player = ref();

// Call the 'usePlayer' function with the desired video ID and target ref
usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

  <div ref="player" />

Event Callbacks

The composable function provides multiple hooks to handle events. All import statements are removed for simplicity.

Provide multiple Callback Functions at once Since 0.0.3

const player = ref();
const { onReady } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

  (event) => {
    console.log('I will get triggered when the player is ready');
  (event) => {
    console.log('You will see this message as well!');
const player = ref();
const { onReady } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

  (event) => {
    console.log('I will get triggered when the player is ready');
  (event) => {
    console.log('You will see this message as well!');

Provide multiple Callback Functions separately

const player = ref();
const { onReady } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onReady((event) => {
  console.log('I will get triggered when the player is ready');

onReady((event) => {
  console.log('You will see this message as well!');
const player = ref();
const { onReady } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onReady((event) => {
  console.log('I will get triggered when the player is ready');

onReady((event) => {
  console.log('You will see this message as well!');


See Reference

This event fires whenever a player has finished loading and is ready to begin receiving API calls.

const player = ref();
const { onReady } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onReady((event) => {
  // Start playing the video when the player is ready*;
const player = ref();
const { onReady } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onReady((event) => {
  // Start playing the video when the player is ready*;


Automatic playback (without previous user interaction) only works when the player is muted. See how to mute the player.

Show Type Declarations
export function onReady: (...cb: Array<ReadyCallback>): void
export type ReadyCallback = PlayerEventCallback<PlayerEvent>
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface PlayerEvent {
  target: Player;
export function onReady: (...cb: Array<ReadyCallback>): void
export type ReadyCallback = PlayerEventCallback<PlayerEvent>
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface PlayerEvent {
  target: Player;


See Reference

This event fires whenever the player's state changes. The data property of the event object that the API passes to your event listener function will specify an integer that corresponds to the new player state.

const player = ref();
const { onStateChange } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onStateChange((event) => {
const player = ref();
const { onStateChange } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onStateChange((event) => {
Show Type Declarations
export function onStateChange(...cb: Array<PlayerStateChangeCallback>): void
export type PlayerStateChangeCallback = PlayerEventCallback<
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface PlayerStateChangeEvent extends PlayerEvent {
  data: PlayerState;
export enum PlayerState {
  ENDED = 0,
  PLAYING = 1,
  PAUSED = 2,
export function onStateChange(...cb: Array<PlayerStateChangeCallback>): void
export type PlayerStateChangeCallback = PlayerEventCallback<
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface PlayerStateChangeEvent extends PlayerEvent {
  data: PlayerState;
export enum PlayerState {
  ENDED = 0,
  PLAYING = 1,
  PAUSED = 2,


See Reference

This event fires whenever the video playback quality changes. It might signal a change in the viewer's playback environment.

const player = ref();
const { onPlaybackQualityChange } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onPlaybackQualityChange((event) => {
const player = ref();
const { onPlaybackQualityChange } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onPlaybackQualityChange((event) => {
Show Type Declarations
export function onPlaybackQualityChange(...cb: Array<PlayerStateChangeCallback>): void
export type PlaybackQualityChangeCallback = PlayerEventCallback<
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface PlaybackQualityChangeEvent extends PlayerEvent {
  data: VideoQuality;
export type VideoQuality = (
  VideoQualityDefault |
  VideoQualitySmall |
  VideoQualityMedium |
  VideoQualityLarge |
  VideoQualityHD720 |
  VideoQualityHD1080 |
export type VideoQualityDefault = 'default'
export type VideoQualitySmall = 'small'
export type VideoQualityMedium = 'medium'
export type VideoQualityLarge = 'large'
export type VideoQualityHD720 = 'hd720'
export type VideoQualityHD1080 = 'hd1080'
export type VideoQualityHighres = 'highres'
export function onPlaybackQualityChange(...cb: Array<PlayerStateChangeCallback>): void
export type PlaybackQualityChangeCallback = PlayerEventCallback<
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface PlaybackQualityChangeEvent extends PlayerEvent {
  data: VideoQuality;
export type VideoQuality = (
  VideoQualityDefault |
  VideoQualitySmall |
  VideoQualityMedium |
  VideoQualityLarge |
  VideoQualityHD720 |
  VideoQualityHD1080 |
export type VideoQualityDefault = 'default'
export type VideoQualitySmall = 'small'
export type VideoQualityMedium = 'medium'
export type VideoQualityLarge = 'large'
export type VideoQualityHD720 = 'hd720'
export type VideoQualityHD1080 = 'hd1080'
export type VideoQualityHighres = 'highres'


See Reference

This event fires whenever the video playback rate changes.

const player = ref();
const { onPlaybackRateChange } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onPlaybackRateChange((event) => {
const player = ref();
const { onPlaybackRateChange } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onPlaybackRateChange((event) => {
Show Type Declarations
export function onPlaybackRateChange(...cb: Array<PlaybackRateChangeCallback>): void
export type PlaybackRateChangeCallback = PlayerEventCallback<
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface PlaybackRateChangeEvent extends PlayerEvent {
  data: number;
export function onPlaybackRateChange(...cb: Array<PlaybackRateChangeCallback>): void
export type PlaybackRateChangeCallback = PlayerEventCallback<
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface PlaybackRateChangeEvent extends PlayerEvent {
  data: number;


See Reference

This event is fired to indicate that the player has loaded (or unloaded) a module with exposed API methods.

const player = ref();
const { onApiChange } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onApiChange((event) => {
const player = ref();
const { onApiChange } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onApiChange((event) => {
Show Type Declarations
export function onApiChange: (...cb: Array<APIChangeCallback>): void;
export type APIChangeCallback = PlayerEventCallback<PlayerEvent>;
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
    (event: T): void;
export interface PlayerEvent {
    target: Player;
export function onApiChange: (...cb: Array<APIChangeCallback>): void;
export type APIChangeCallback = PlayerEventCallback<PlayerEvent>;
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
    (event: T): void;
export interface PlayerEvent {
    target: Player;


See Reference

This event fires if an error occurs in the player. The API will pass an event object to the event listener function.

const player = ref();
const { onError } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onError((event) => {
const player = ref();
const { onError } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

onError((event) => {
Show Type Declarations
export function onError(...cb: Array<ErrorCallback>): void
export type ErrorCallback = PlayerEventCallback<ErrorEvent>
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface ErrorEvent extends PlayerEvent {
  data: PlayerError;
export enum PlayerError {
  HTML5_ERROR = 5,
  NOT_FOUND = 100,
  NOT_ALLOWED = 101,
export function onError(...cb: Array<ErrorCallback>): void
export type ErrorCallback = PlayerEventCallback<ErrorEvent>
export interface PlayerEventCallback<T extends PlayerEvent> {
  (event: T): void;
export interface ErrorEvent extends PlayerEvent {
  data: PlayerError;
export enum PlayerError {
  HTML5_ERROR = 5,
  NOT_FOUND = 100,
  NOT_ALLOWED = 101,

Player Instance

This library provides many utility functions to handle basic interactions with the player. However, if you need deeper control over the player, usePlayer returns a shallow ref of the player instance. The instance provides full access to all player functions like:

  <div ref="yt" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { usePlayer } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const videoId = ref('dQw4w9WgXcQ');
const yt = ref();

const { instance } = usePlayer(videoId, yt, {
  playerVars: {
    autoplay: 1,
    mute: 1,

instance.value?.cueVideoById('aqz-KE-bpKQ', 0, 'hd1080');
  <div ref="yt" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { usePlayer } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const videoId = ref('dQw4w9WgXcQ');
const yt = ref();

const { instance } = usePlayer(videoId, yt, {
  playerVars: {
    autoplay: 1,
    mute: 1,

instance.value?.cueVideoById('aqz-KE-bpKQ', 0, 'hd1080');


Be careful when using instance. You could, for example, destroy the player instance. In this case, the library cannot recover the destroyed player.


The usePlayer function has a optional third parameter to provide player options. The values prefixed with // are the default values.

const player = ref();
usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player, {
  playerVars: {}, // {}
  cookie: false,  // true
  width: 1920,    // 1280
  height: 1080,   // 720
const player = ref();
usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player, {
  playerVars: {}, // {}
  cookie: false,  // true
  width: 1920,    // 1280
  height: 1080,   // 720

Supported Options

playerVarsCustomize the player behavior, see hereplayer-param-reference for reference.
cookieWhen this option is true the host is used, otherwise
widthSet the width of the YouTube player. Number and string supported.
heightSet the height of the YouTube player. Number and string supported.
Show Type Declarations
export function usePlayer(
  newVideoId: MaybeRef<string>, 
  element: MaybeElementRef, 
  options: Options = {}
) : {
  instance: ShallowRef<Player | undefined>;
  togglePlay: () => void;
  toggleMute: () => void;
  toggleLoop: () => void;
  toggleShuffle: () => void;
  onPlaybackQualityChange: (...cb: Array<PlaybackQualityChangeCallback>) => void;
  onPlaybackRateChange: (...cb: Array<PlaybackRateChangeCallback>) => void;
  onStateChange: (...cb: Array<PlayerStateChangeCallback>) => void;
  onApiChange: (...cb: Array<APIChangeCallback>) => void;
  onError: (...cb: Array<ErrorCallback>) => void;
  onReady: (...cb: Array<ReadyCallback>) => void;
export interface Options {
  height?: number | string;
  width?: number | string;
  playerVars?: PlayerVars;
  cookie?: boolean;
export interface PlayerVars {
  autohide?: AutohideOption | undefined;
  autoplay?: AutoplayOption | undefined;
  cc_load_policy?: CCLoadPolicyOption | undefined;
  cc_lang_pref?: string | undefined;
  color?: ProgressBarColor | undefined;
  controls?: ControlsOption | undefined;
  disablekb?: KeyboardOptions | undefined;
  enablejsapi?: JSAPIOptions | undefined;
  end?: number | undefined;
  fs?: FullscreenOption | undefined;
  hl?: string | undefined;
  iv_load_policy?: IVPolicyOption | undefined;
  list?: string | undefined;
  listType?: ListType | undefined;
  loop?: LoopOption | undefined;
  modestbranding?: ModestBrandingOption | undefined;
  mute?: MuteOption | undefined;
  origin?: string | undefined;
  playlist?: string | undefined;
  playsinline?: PlaysInlineOption | undefined;
  rel?: RelatedVideosOption | undefined;
  showinfo?: ShowInfoOption | undefined;
  start?: number | undefined;
export function usePlayer(
  newVideoId: MaybeRef<string>, 
  element: MaybeElementRef, 
  options: Options = {}
) : {
  instance: ShallowRef<Player | undefined>;
  togglePlay: () => void;
  toggleMute: () => void;
  toggleLoop: () => void;
  toggleShuffle: () => void;
  onPlaybackQualityChange: (...cb: Array<PlaybackQualityChangeCallback>) => void;
  onPlaybackRateChange: (...cb: Array<PlaybackRateChangeCallback>) => void;
  onStateChange: (...cb: Array<PlayerStateChangeCallback>) => void;
  onApiChange: (...cb: Array<APIChangeCallback>) => void;
  onError: (...cb: Array<ErrorCallback>) => void;
  onReady: (...cb: Array<ReadyCallback>) => void;
export interface Options {
  height?: number | string;
  width?: number | string;
  playerVars?: PlayerVars;
  cookie?: boolean;
export interface PlayerVars {
  autohide?: AutohideOption | undefined;
  autoplay?: AutoplayOption | undefined;
  cc_load_policy?: CCLoadPolicyOption | undefined;
  cc_lang_pref?: string | undefined;
  color?: ProgressBarColor | undefined;
  controls?: ControlsOption | undefined;
  disablekb?: KeyboardOptions | undefined;
  enablejsapi?: JSAPIOptions | undefined;
  end?: number | undefined;
  fs?: FullscreenOption | undefined;
  hl?: string | undefined;
  iv_load_policy?: IVPolicyOption | undefined;
  list?: string | undefined;
  listType?: ListType | undefined;
  loop?: LoopOption | undefined;
  modestbranding?: ModestBrandingOption | undefined;
  mute?: MuteOption | undefined;
  origin?: string | undefined;
  playlist?: string | undefined;
  playsinline?: PlaysInlineOption | undefined;
  rel?: RelatedVideosOption | undefined;
  showinfo?: ShowInfoOption | undefined;
  start?: number | undefined;

playerVars Reference New


This section will soon feature a full reference. See #7 for more information on implementation progress.

It is important to look up the official YouTube player parameter reference. Some parameters might oppose unexpected requirements on the provided value. Invalid values might render the player inoperable.

Such an example is the start parameter which is typed as a number in TS. In JavaScript (and thus also in Typescript) a number can be any kind of number, like integer or float. The parameter however expects integer values, otherwise the player won't start playing the video.


Dynamically change the video ID

You can pass a ref as the first argument of usePlayer. When the content of the ref changes, the new video will automatically start playing.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { usePlayer, PlayerState } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const videoId = ref('dQw4w9WgXcQ');
const player = ref();

const { onStateChange } = usePlayer(videoId, player);

// Change video ID after 10 seconds (10000 ms)
setTimeout(() => {
  videoId.value = 'aqz-KE-bpKQ';
}, 10 * 1000);

// Log the video ID when the video starts to play
onStateChange((event) => {
  if ( == PlayerState.PLAYING) {
    console.log("I'm playing", videoId.value)

  <div ref="player" />
  <button @click="togglePlay">Pause / Unpause</button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { usePlayer, PlayerState } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const videoId = ref('dQw4w9WgXcQ');
const player = ref();

const { onStateChange } = usePlayer(videoId, player);

// Change video ID after 10 seconds (10000 ms)
setTimeout(() => {
  videoId.value = 'aqz-KE-bpKQ';
}, 10 * 1000);

// Log the video ID when the video starts to play
onStateChange((event) => {
  if ( == PlayerState.PLAYING) {
    console.log("I'm playing", videoId.value)

  <div ref="player" />
  <button @click="togglePlay">Pause / Unpause</button>

Play / pause the video

You can toggle the video between playing / paused with the togglePlay helper function. You don't need to keep track of the player state.

See here for more information on the togglePlay function.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { usePlayer } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const player = ref();

const { togglePlay } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

  <div ref="player" />
  <button @click="togglePlay">Pause / Unpause</button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { usePlayer } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const player = ref();

const { togglePlay } = usePlayer('dQw4w9WgXcQ', player);

  <div ref="player" />
  <button @click="togglePlay">Pause / Unpause</button>