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Migration Guide

This guide helps to migrate from @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe (version 1.0.6) to vue-youtube.

Remove old dependencies

First remove the old @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe dependency with the package manager of your choice:

pnpm remove @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe
pnpm remove @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe
yarn remove @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe
yarn remove @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe
npm uninstall @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe
npm uninstall @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe

Add new dependencies

Depending ony how you want to use VueYoutube you need to add the following dependencies:

  • @vue-youtube/core is needed for both composable and component usage
  • @vue-youtube/component is additionally needed when using the component

For a drop-in replacement of @techassi/vue-youtube-iframe you need both packages:

pnpm add @vue-youtube/core @vue-youtube/component
pnpm add @vue-youtube/core @vue-youtube/component
yarn add @vue-youtube/core @vue-youtube/component
yarn add @vue-youtube/core @vue-youtube/component
npm add @vue-youtube/core @vue-youtube/component
npm add @vue-youtube/core @vue-youtube/component

Updating the code

Changes in the main.{ts,js} file

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import app from './app.vue';

import YoutubeIframe from '@techassi/vue-youtube-iframe';

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import app from './app.vue';

import YoutubeIframe from '@techassi/vue-youtube-iframe';


Change to

import { createManager } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import app from './app.vue';

import { createManager } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import app from './app.vue';


Changes in YourComponent.vue file

If you want to keep using the Component you don't have to change your code. Just make sure to import the Component.

<script setup lang="ts">
// Import the 'YoutubeIframe' component
import { YoutubeIframe } from '@vue-youtube/component';

    <youtube-iframe :video-id="YT_VIDEO_ID"></youtube-iframe>
<script setup lang="ts">
// Import the 'YoutubeIframe' component
import { YoutubeIframe } from '@vue-youtube/component';

    <youtube-iframe :video-id="YT_VIDEO_ID"></youtube-iframe>

Please do keep in mind that the events have changed. See here for all available events.

If you want to switch to Composables, update your code.

<script setup lang="ts">
// Import the 'usePlayer' function
import { usePlayer } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

// Use a template ref to reference the target element
const player = ref();

// Call the 'usePlayer' function with the desired video ID and target ref
usePlayer('YT_VIDEO_ID', player);

  <div ref="player" />
<script setup lang="ts">
// Import the 'usePlayer' function
import { usePlayer } from '@vue-youtube/core';
import { ref } from 'vue';

// Use a template ref to reference the target element
const player = ref();

// Call the 'usePlayer' function with the desired video ID and target ref
usePlayer('YT_VIDEO_ID', player);

  <div ref="player" />

See here for more information on how to use Composables.